Wednesday 13 March 2013

One step at a time.

Caught myself out today, standing on the scales and looking at the number. Looking in the mirror and checking out my reflection. And I started...

" It's no use I'll never drop enough body fat percentage. I'll always be stuck with this mummy belly. Every time I try to do this I fail. Everyone else is getting better results than me. This is impossible."

This is the type of stuff that goes through my head all the time if I'm not careful.  It saps away my willpower, drive and happiness.  It makes me want to just give up.
But what I've learned is the language I'm using is catastrophic.  It's exaggerated, it's more dramatic than an episode of Bold and the Beautiful....

" It's no use I'll never drop enough body fat percentage. I'll always be stuck with this mummy belly. Every time I try to do this I fail. Everyone else is getting better results than me. This is impossible."

So it's time to calm the farm, love.  I will re write each statement more accurately....

" My body fat percentage isn't where I want it to be.  But I didn't put on the fat layer in 4 weeks,  so my expectation for it to be gone in 4 weeks is unreasonable and unrealistic. "

" My belly has gone down in measurements taken last week.  Woohoo go me!"

" I am not failing, look at all my successes, little ones and big ones. I am seeing change in mind and body, and I am continuing with my commitment to complete the program as prescribed."

" There are people who would like to do what I am doing, or think they could NEVER do what I have done.  There are those who want to lose weight and tone up but just cannot get started or want to start the hard work.  I am getting good results.  All people are different physiologically and while it may not be what I wanted so far, it is still a work in progress. Remember...COMPLETE not COMPETE."

" My results so far show this is possible.  The expectations I held may not be possible in this time frame but they are possible in the longer term given the time and effort I consistently put in. It is only impossible if I give up and stop."

This puts my mind in a much better place. I begin to see things more realistically and positively, and stops me from spiralling into a whole self hate and demoralised me.

 This goes for my days and weeks as well. Before, I could be having a great day, full of sunshine and rainbows and then just before bed, the kids play up, or I get a bad phone call, or something else bad happens.  Is my whole day ruined?  I used to think so.  But now, taking the time to think properly about was one bad thing in a day of really great things. It's not as big as I first made it. And 9/10 times it is a problem quickly solved. The day, and my thinking, is saved.

OR.....I eat so well all week then accidentally have 2 glasses of wine at a friends house followed by a packet of chips and other junk. I might as well just give up!  NO!   One bad day, or one bad decision does not change the good I have been doing all week. If I  DO give up, I won't see the good changes that are happening.

Doing the run up the mountain on the weekend taught me one's a case of one foot after the other.  I may stumble, I may even fall, I may stand there looking at what seems to be impossible and swear loudly (and frequently), but so long as I am putting one foot in front of the other I am making progress, no matter how small each step is. I may not look how I want to look yet but I am making day at a time, one meal at a time, one workout at a time.


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