Tuesday 2 April 2013

I believe......

With so much information surrounding health, fitness and healthy lifestyle, it is easy to get lost in all the advice, hints, tips, superfood of the week and new scientifically proven way to workout at your best.  I developed my philosophy statement, my list of beliefs to help me stay focused and not distracted and disjointed by all the different theories and scientific 'discoveries' and to be able to stand up for what I believe in, clearly.  I'm not saying that all theories and magazine stories are wrong, or harmful but I needed a clear path ahead of me, to get to where I am going.

It has taken me some time, quite a lot of time really, to sort out what I believe about healthy lifestyle and nutrition, especially since I get asked about it by friends.  You know those questions, "why DO you go to gym? Why not have another glass of wine?" So, here it is.

I believe what I eat and do for myself, teaches my children to eat and do for themselves.
I believe I am responsible for my choices and actions.

I believe that eating clean unprocessed foods fuels my body the best.

I believe consistency and persistence in working out is what wins in the end.

I believe everyone who has their basic needs met ( shelter, clothing, income) can take steps to improve their own health and nutrition if they are prepared to accept the responsibility.

I believe all bodies are different and react differently to weights and nutrition but is not an excuse to avoid weights or good nutrition.

I believe good health is more important than a number on the scales or on the tag of my jeans.

I believe setting goals are the signposts to keep me on track and help give me purpose.

I believe in taking minimal supplements for health and our nutiritonal needs are met through good nutrition.

I believe the mind is the real powerhouse behind whether I can or cannot.

I believe knowing and accepting my weaknesses help me find solutions to turn them into strengths.

I believe choosing healthy over my previous lifestyle is better......

I believe having fun and going out doesn't equal getting smashed and eating poorly.

I believe a little bit of chocolate won't kill me but a block of chocolate will affect me negatively.

I believe a healthy lifestyle gives me true happiness, without material belongings or wants.

I believe that one day I will like eggplant if I keep persisting in eating it.

I believe my body knows what it has to do to operate effectively and efficiently.  I just have to get out of the way.

I believe there are no excuses, there are always options to eat well and move more.

I believe parents are responsible for educating themselves about their childrens nutrition and health. After they turn into adults or move out of home, they are responsible for themselves. Until then, children need a parent, more than they need a friend.

I believe in supporting a healthy lifestyle, not apologising for it or hiding it.

I believe food is not the enemy.

I believe there is always more to learn and practise and achieve.

I believe that while I can do this alone, the way is easier with support.

I believe I find and create my own motivation.

I believe while I may not be the best or the fastest, I am better and faster than I was and continuing to be better every day.

I believe there is no real reason to climb mountains but I do it anyway.

I believe I have one shot at life and I want to make it count.

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